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L'IMPA organizza:
Seminari, Convegni e un Laboratorio teorico-clinico permanente di Psicologia Archetipica
Carl Gustav Jung
(1875 - 1961)
IMPA’s Training Lab

IMPA’s Training Lab

Two year Training Lab

Training activities

Within IMPA’s training activities for 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, the 2nd Two year Training Lab will take place.

Every academic year is framed as follows:

  • Four seminars led by Riccardo Mondo and Luigi Turinese and
  • Once a year intensive, residential monographic tutorial, with the support of highly qualified professionals from various scientific and humanistic backgrounds.

In addition

  • two interim checks on the trainees’ learning progress
  • %(Blu_Neretto)two individual oral exams % held by Riccardo Mondo and Luigi Turinese respectively

will be scheduled throughout the year.

The trainees will be requested to have

  • regular clinical supervision, so as to identify the functional setting’s essential features, with focus on a clinical approach based on archetypal patterns

who should apply.

Addressees of the IMPA’s Training Lab are psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists. People from all educational backgrounds are considered for admission to the Lab Program subject to prior admission from the training board.

Contact Information
For further information contact IMPA:

Gianna Tarantino
mobile phone: 339 1975473

Click here to read Program and Scheduled Training Activities for 2010/2011)

Click here to read Program and Scheduled Training Activities for 2009/2010

Pubblicato il 27 August 2010, 10:10 da G. T.
Modificato il 15 September 2010, 18:06 da G. T.
Archiviato nella Sezione Laboratorio
Blue is “Darkness made visible”
J.H. - Alchemical blue
Laboratorium Alchemicum Imaginale dell'IMPA
Ideazione grafica di S. Pollicina, M. Capace e G. Tarantino

A cura di Gianna Tarantino
Realizzazione di Carmelo Privitera

2009 © IMPA | Tutti i diritti riservati
L'Istituto Mediterraneo di Psicologia Archetipica (IMPA)
nasce a Catania nell'aprile del 2006 per iniziativa di Riccardo Mondo e Luigi Turinese (Soci Fondatori), nel corso dei festeggiamenti per l'80° compleanno di James Hillman,
che ne è Presidente Onorario
Presidente dell'IMPA è Salvo Pollicina, Vicepresidente Raffaella Bonforte

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